Dear music lover,
Thank you for stopping by today! From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for your interest in my artistic work.
I hope you enjoy your visit here at my Vili V Shop.
As an independent artist, my music is 100% listener supported. This means that when you purchase anything from my music shop, you directly provide the resources that will support the creation of my upcoming albums.
This is important because my music fills a niche and a void in the hearts and minds of those looking for music that has a familiar blend of beautiful melodies, arrangements, and impactful lyrics. Music that is roots rock inspired but fresh at that the same time. Music that my listeners describe as romantic, soulful, passionate, inspirational, beautiful, and rocking.
And while I take my craft of singing and songwriting very seriously, I also love to be playful, fun, and silly. So, if you ever get a chance, come see me live – you’ll have a great time! Check out my youtube channel
I also want to let you know that in addition to making music, there's another thing I love – and that's building community and helping others.
You can find out more and join the roots rock revival community (please see the bottom of homepage to sign up)
So, again thank you so much for your visit today. And don't forget to check out more of my music and products such as t-shirts here: View All Products
I look forward to connecting more with you!
Peace and love,
Vili V